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  • Children, when suffering from any infectious disease, should not be sent to the school.
  • Parents are advised to grant pocket money very judiciously to their wards.
  • Students are warned not to buy anything from the street vendors.
  • Care must be taken care of all school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the wall or in any way damage things belonging to others.
  • Shouting or whistling is not allowed in or around the school building.
  • Bringing fireworks/exploding crackers or splashing water or colour in the school premises is strictly forbidden even during festival times. Non-compliance of these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.
  • Local dialect is strictly prohibited. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences.
  • Delinquent children or problem students who don’t improve even after repeated warnings may be discontinued and may not be re-admitted.
  • Attention of parents is drawn to fact that criticism of the teacher or school in the presence of their children should be scrupulously avoided because it causes them to lose respect for their teachers with the consequent failure to learn from them. It further retards their progress.
  • Should there be any legitimate complaint, please meet the Principal at once.
  • Parents must keep the progress report in safe custody. If the report card is lost, a replacement will be made only on written request along with payment of Rs. 50/-
  • Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their children's progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality, discipline. They should take interest in their homework, check & sign the diary everyday, note the homework and other instructions in the diary.
  • The school will not hold itself responsible for any loss of goods. The students must not bring valuable articles like expensive watches, jewellery, calculators, mobile phones, cameras etc. to the school
  • In the absence of parents, only those guardians will be entertained, whose reference is made in the admission form. They should know the details of about their wards like class, section, medium, roll number, admission number and complete name as per the school records.
  • Change of address or phone number should be intimated to the school with immediate effect.
  • In school functions, students are supposed to come along with their parents/guardians and not any other relatives or friends.
  • Students are supposed to bring their Tiffin along with them while coming to school.
  • Students are supposed to wait for their turn at different places like water points, fee counters, coming inside the premises or going out from the premises through the main gate.
  • Students are prohibited to bring or use motorcycles, scooters/scooty while commuting to and from school.
  • Riding bicycle inside the school premises is strictly prohibited.
  • The Students must rejoin in time after long holidays and must not remain absent.
  • Students are supposed to maintain a high standard of decorum in the school premises as well as outside, while representing the school.
  • The parents and guardians are not permitted to visit their wards during school-hours.
  • All disputes are subject to Bhiwani jurisdiction.
  • Parents are requested to make the necessary arrangements to take their children home promptly at the end of the school hours daily.
  • The school reserves the right to change, modify and amend the rules and regulations without any notice and parents/guardians are bound to follow.